Year 1 have had lots of fun starting our new book focus, Handa’s Surprise by Eileen Browne. We started the week, by tasting exotic fruits and describing the appearance and taste using adjectives. We then…
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Catholic Social Teaching in Year 3
This term, our focus in Social Catholic Teaching is Human Dignity. We have been reading and discussing Pope Francis’ powerful words: “Every person is immensely holy and deserves our love.” Reflecting on our own skills…
Read MoreReligious Role-Play In Reception!
This week in our bible stories lesson, we learnt about the miracle of ‘Jesus Raising Lazarus From The Dead’. The children have been fascinated to learn about the miracles of Jesus and they were eager…
Read MoreYear 1 – Marian Service
Year 1 – Elm Class & Oak Class led a beautiful Liturgy for Mother Mary. During this reverent liturgy, the children retold the story of Our Mother Mary’s life, they shared prayers that they had…
Read MoreAscension Day
Ascension Day Year 5 led a beautiful Mass this Wednesday at our school church. They spoke well, sat with reverence and sang nicely. We’re very proud of how they behaved! Miss Sophia We were fortunate…
Read MoreInto The Woods With Nursery!
We have had a very busy start to the summer term. We have been focusing on books such as ‘the very hungry caterpillar’ where we went on a bug hunt, looking for worms, caterpillars…
Read MoreMass for the Ascension of Our Lord
Today, we attended Ss Alban & Stephen Parish Mass for the Feast of the Ascension. Ascension Day falls 40 days after Easter and is the day that Jesus ascended into Heaven after telling his disciples…
Read MoreFlowers for Mary in the Month of May
During a beautiful sunny lunchtime, the Prayer Leaders invited Key Stage 2 children to listen to worship music in the prayer garden and make some beautiful flowers as they remembered our Lady- Mary, the Mother…
Read MoreYear 3 experience school life in Victorian times
On Thursday 2nd May, Year 3 journeyed back in time to experience what it was like for children going to school in the reign of Queen Victoria. We visited the British Schools Museum in Hitchin…
Read MoreReception Are All Unique And Special!
Last week in our RHSE lesson, we listened to the Creation Story and played instruments along to the different parts of each day. This week, we have been learning that as part of God’s plan…
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