We are so delighted to have welcomed the children back to school this week, they all came in with some fantastic stories of their Christmas break. In Spring 1, we are very excited to be…
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EYFS – Nativity (Coming Soon!) and Updates Regarding Next Week!
Advent – A time for preparation This week EYFS enjoyed a beautiful Advent assembly, led by Mrs. Porter. The children really enjoyed learning about the significance of each candle and they learnt a new Advent…
Read MoreFun in the Cave and Road Safety Week!
This week was also ‘Road Safety Week’ and the children have been learning all about road safety and how to safely cross the road with an adult. They watched a short video and then practiced…
Read MoreNursery – Opening The Vet and Remembrance Day
This week in Nursery we had a very exciting Monday when we opened the Veterinary Clinic. The children have been busy in the reception area taking phone calls and making bookings on the laptop. They…
Read MoreEarly Years Week 1 (Autumn 2) – Bonfire Night and Diwali!
It was lovely to welcome the children back to school this week to start our new exciting new topic ‘Night and Day’. Thank you for sharing so many lovely photos on Tapestry of the amazing…
Read MoreNursery Week 7 – Our New Investigation Area and Posting Notes
This week we have opened our investigation area inside. The children have been busy collecting lots of different things to put in our area such as leaves, conkers, sticks and acorns. They have been busy…
Read MoreWeek 6 Nursery – Opening Day For The Ice Cream Parlour and Exploring Elmer!
This week we were very excited to open our new ice-cream parlour in nursery. The children have been busy working in the shop preparing and selling the ice-cream, taking orders, managing the till and ensuring…
Read MoreWeek 5 in Nursery – Using Our Listening Ears!
This week we started Phase 1 of phonics and we were learning all about environmental sounds. The children were excellent at listening to sounds and guessing what they could hear. They put on their best…
Read MoreWeek 4 Nursery – Learning About Me
This week the children have been learning all about themselves as our topic this term is ‘Marvellous Me’. The children have been learning about their differences and what they like about themselves. They have enjoyed…
Read MoreWeek 3 in Nursery!
This week the children have been getting creative around the nursery. They have been drawing some wonderful pictures and creating some lovely pieces of work. They have been accessing a range of materials and resources…
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