We were so excited to welcome the Nursery children back to school this week!! We began the week by sharing all the amazing things we have been up to during the Easter Holidays. This half…
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Happy Easter From Nursery!!
Our final week before the Easter break has been packed with lots of fun. Mrs O’Connor read the nursery children a lovely Easter Story at the beginning of the week. The children were very busy…
Read MoreLook at what we’ve been doing! (Nursery – Spring 2 – Week 4)
We had a really fun week this week in Nursery. The children have been busy during CIL this week. They have been making lots of different creations with Popoids. They have also being enjoying the…
Read MoreOff On An Adventure In The Car (Nursery – Spring 2 – Week 3)
We had lots of fun in Nursery this week. We are continuing or topic this week ‘Off on an Adventure’. We spent a lot of time outside in the lovely weather. The children played with…
Read MoreA Busy Week In The Early Years!! (Reception and Nursery – Spring 2 – Week 2)
This week has been a very busy week in the Early Years. The week began by learning about the meaning of Lent. We learnt all about what happens on Ash Wednesday and afterwards, the children…
Read MoreChildren’s Mental Health Week (Nursery, Spring 1 – Week 6)
This week is Children’s Mental Health Week and the children have been expressing themselves in lots of different ways. Every morning we have been doing a wake and shake which the children love! They have…
Read MoreThe Kings and Queens of SSAS! (Nursery – Spring 1, Week 5)
This week the children week the children have continued their learning on our topic ‘Once Upon a Time’. The castle has opened its doors in Nursery and the children were very excited! They have been…
Read MoreAll Aboard The Shapes Train! (Nursery – Spring 1 – Week 3)
This week the children have continued their learning on our topic ‘Once Upon a Time’. We have made our very own castle in Nursery. The children sponge painted bricks for the walls and created their…
Read MoreOnce Upon A Time In Nursery…
The children enjoyed their first full week back. Our topic this term is ‘Once Upon a Time’, we will be exploring a range of traditional tales as well as modern fairy tales. This week we…
Read MoreWelcome Back To Nursery!!
There were lots of smiles and happy faces returning to Nursery this week. The children were excited to see their friends and teachers after the holidays. We loved listening to all the stories about the…
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