Read MoreNursery
Early Years Parents’ Coffee Morning – sharing cultural diversity & language
On Thursday, The Early Years Team welcomed Parents to share their talents and ideas for supporting children with English as an additional language. We had a lovely Coffee Morning chatting about the ways Early Years…
Read MoreChinese New Year Celebrations and The Little Red Hen comes to Early Years
Despite it being zero degrees, the sun shone for Reception’s first trip to the school Library this week. The children loved choosing a library book and they all carried them back to school, carefully. Nursery…
Read MoreOnce upon a time in Early Years
We have got off to a great start with our new topic, Once Upon a Time, in Early Years. In Nursery, the children have been immersing themselves in the traditional story of The Gingerbread Man….
Read MoreEYFS Nativity Week!
Well done Reception and Nursery! The children worked SO hard this week to be ready to perform their Christmas Nativity play on Friday to their parents and carers and even performed it twice, once in…
Read MoreRemembrance Day
The children in EYFS were so respectful and reflective during our two minute silence this morning. The Nursery children and the two Reception classes have been learning all about Remembrance Day and why it is…
Read MoreAt The Seaside In Early Years!
The Secret of Black Rock EYFS have loved exploring the whole school text, The Secret of Black Rock, by Joe Todd-Stanton. This is an excellent story for the children’s imagination and has a very important…
Read MoreOur New Baby Chicks!! (Nursery – Summer 1 – Week 4)
What a very exciting week this week with our new visitors ‘The Chicks’! The children observed the eggs on Monday and Tuesday in the incubator. They were very excited waiting for them to hatch and…
Read MoreA Short But Sweet Week In The Early Years! (Summer 1 – Week 3)
Reception: It was a short week for us in the Early Years this week! We have started to learn the Hail Mary during our R.E. lessons and to think of ways to celebrate the month…
Read MoreExploring Space In Nursery (Summer 1 – Week 2)
This week the children have continued enjoying their space role play area. We have read two stories this week ‘You can’t eat a princess’ and ‘Wilbur in Space’. The children enjoyed these two stories and…
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