This week the children have had a very relaxed start to the new term, settling back into the class routine smoothly. We have been learning about the different animals in the North and South Pole….
Read MoreNursery
Nursery Visit The Church!
Here are some pictures of the recent trip to St. Albans & St.Stephen church. The children walked all the way with out moaning. We got to see Damian’s dad moving off on the train, and…
Read MoreFirst Full week in Acorns- Exploring the outside
I must begin by saying what a wonderful start to SSAS life the children have had in Acorns this week. What a wonderful group of children, they have settled better than I anticipated. This weeks…
Read MoreEYFS Zoo Trip
We certainly had a fantastic day at Paradise Wildlife Park Zoo. The children have been learning all about wild animals this half term and it was a wonderful way to see the animals up close…
Read MoreEYFS Sports Day 2023
EYFS Sports Day – What fun was had by all the children in Nursery and Reception this week. Thank you to all the parents and carers who were able to come along and cheer us…
Read MoreCoronation Celebrations in EYFS
This week we have had great fun learning about and celebrating King Charles’ Coronation ready for the Coronation itself on Saturday. We learnt what a Coronation is and what will happen during the Coronation. We…
Read MoreNursery – Down in the Garden
This week Nursery have been continuing with the theme of The very Hungry Caterpillar. We have been learning about the life cycle of a butterfly. Please ask your children what they can remember. We have…
Read MoreThe Good News arrived in EYFS
The children came into school refreshed and ready to learn for their final term in Early Years. Our new topic for Summer 1 is: Down in the Garden. We shall be learning all about mini…
Read MoreEaster Excitement in Early Years
The children have had a wonderful time this week, learning about the true Easter story and creating Easter cards, arts and crafts and Easter chocolate nests! We wish to thank all our families for their…
Read MoreEarly Years at SSAS – World Book Day fun
Thank you so much for instilling that ‘love of reading’ in your child! We hope you all enjoy sharing the World Book Day book gift and for the book voucher, that you can use in…
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