As we continue our journey through Lent, Year 3 have been learning about the story of Easter. This week, we focused on the events of Holy Week, brining some of them to life through role-play….
Read MoreReligious Education
Year 5: World Book Day Fun to an exciting trip to Life Expo
From World Book Day Fun to going on an exciting trip to Life Expo. On Thursday, it was World Book Day and the all the children really enjoyed coming into school in their pyjamas. We…
Read MoreYear 1 – Spring Term begins
Welcome back to our Year 1 families. It has been so lovely to hear all the children’s news and see how they have settled back into their learning. On our first day back, we celebrated…
Read MoreTravelling Crib
During the Advent season we have been sending home a travelling crib to spend one night only with every family in school. This has been a lovely way to help us prepare for Christmas. The travelling…
Read MoreAdvent Giving Calendar: Spreading Festive Cheer
As we embrace this special Advent season, we prepare to celebrate the coming of Christ. Our Advent Giving Calendar offers a daily donation idea, helping us think of those who may need extra support this…
Read MoreReception Nativity
This week Reception retold the story of the Nativity to three different audiences. On Wednesday they performed to KS1. When asked what they thought about the play some children in Year 1 and 2 said…
Read MoreYear 1 – Advent begins
On Monday, Year 1, Year 2 and the Reception children joined together in the Tree Lighting Assembly, hosted by the Pupil Chaplaincy Team. It was a beautiful, reflective assembly which was a great start to…
Read MoreReligious Education Sharing Assembly with our Reception children and KS1 children
This morning, the children enjoyed a beautiful R.E. sharing assembly. Each class brought something to share that they had been learning about in their R.E. lessons. It was lovely to listen to a reception child…
Read MoreYear 1 – Judaism Week with Rabbi visit
Year 1 have been learning about Judaism this week. We had a visit on Tuesday from Rabbi Zvi a Jewish leader from St. Albans synagogue, who taught the children all about the Jewish faith. You…
Read MoreYear 1 – R.E. in action with Catholic Social Teaching
This week the whole school enjoyed their first Catholic Social Teaching Assembly and lesson: Community & Participation. The core message was “You shall love your neighbour as yourself. There is no commandment greater than this.”…
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