This week, our Pupil Chaplaincy team were lucky enough to meet up online with the Pupil Chaplaincy Team at St Vincent’s Catholic Primary School in Marylebone. Miss Coleman, our Executive Head, was able to organise…
Read MorePupil Chaplaincy Team & Prayer Leader News
Flowers for Mary in the Month of May
During a beautiful sunny lunchtime, the Prayer Leaders invited Key Stage 2 children to listen to worship music in the prayer garden and make some beautiful flowers as they remembered our Lady- Mary, the Mother…
Read MoreThe Feast-Day of St Bernadette
All of the children in St Bernadette’s House celebrated their patron saint today with a special liturgy led by the Pupil Chaplaincy Team. Everyone dressed in green, the house colour. We heard the life-story of…
Read MoreAsh Wednesday 2024
We marked Ash Wednesday today with a liturgy led by Father Michael, Father John and our Pupil Chaplaincy Team. Around school, the prayer tables were covered in purple. Everyone in school received the mark of…
Read MoreYear 6 – Benin, Bulbs and Basketballs
This week in Year 6 we finished our work on the Kingdom of Benin. We considered the future of artefacts that were taken by the Victorians and explored how and why the empire fell apart….
Read MoreAdvent is Here!
The word ‘advent’ means ‘coming’. Advent is a time of preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus. In school, we marked the start of Advent this Sunday with special assemblies on the lower…
Read MoreVisit to Westminster Cathedral
This week, our Pupil Chaplaincy Team and Prayer Leaders attended a special Advent carol service at Westminster Cathedral. During the service, we listened to Angel Gabriel who narrated the Christmas story. Each part of the…
Read MoreAlways Remember, Never Forget
On Friday, our Pupil Chaplaincy team led a reverent Remembrance Assembly for Key Stage 1. Our readings, prayer and a recitation of the poem ‘In Flanders Fields’ helped us all to understand why it is…
Read MoreCelebration Mass at St. Albans Abbey: attended by our Pupil Chaplains & Prayer Leaders
The St Albans and St. Stephen’s Catholic Primary School Pupil Chaplains and Prayer Leaders attended a celebration Mass today at St. Albans Cathedral to mark 40 years of the Catholic Mass being celebrated at the…
Read MoreIt’s Another Harvest Festival
Our Pupil Chaplaincy Team helped Father John to lead our Harvest Festival Celebrations on the upper and lower sites. We thought about the work that farmers do and thanked God for the good things that…
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