Year 5 delivered a beautiful and moving Passion Play to parents and children this week. In performances on Wednesday and Thursday to parents and children, the Year 5 classes acted out the Easter Story with…
Read MoreCatholic Life and Mission
CAFOD Bake Sale
Congratulations to our Year 5 CAFOD crew, who planned, organised and ran our extremely popular and well-attended Bake Sale on Friday. The event, planned to coincide with World Day of Prayer, was held to raise…
Read MoreAsh Wednesday Liturgy 2023
On Wednesday the 22nd February 2023 we had an Ash Wednesday Liturgy on both school sites. The Prayer Leaders led the readings and the school community sang hymns. Children brought up their Lenten Promises…
Read MoreIt’s a Fair Trade in Year 4
This week, Year 4 learned about fair trade as part of our Geography topic ‘World Kitchen’. We had an online presentation from the Fairtrade organisation and learned how farmers and other workers are paid fairly…
Read MoreThe Nativity Comes To SSAS!
What an incredibly busy week for KS1!! The children put on three performances of their play ‘Do Not Be Afraid’, which was a wonderful and unique rendition of the Nativity Story. They have worked incredibly…
Read MoreReach out in Anti-Bullying Week!
During National Anti-Bullying week, the theme was ‘Reach Out’. It is really important to reach out to help others who are being bullied. If you are being bullied, you should also feel confident to reach…
Read MoreYear 5 Pupil Chaplains lead our Harvest Festival
Our Year 5 Pupil Chaplains led a lovely Harvest Festival Celebration for Upper and Lower School. We had great fun singing catchy Harvest songs like ‘Cauliflowers Fluffy’ and ‘Harvest Samba’ together and learnt more about…
Read MoreYear 2 RE work
In our RE lessons we have learning about why we have rules and how we should treat other people. We learnt about our school saints; Saint Alban and Saint Stephen. We found out that these…
Read MoreHarvest Appeal 2021
Harvest-2021 THANK YOU!!!! We are very grateful for all your kind donations for these worthwhile causes. Here are our Chaplaincy Team with a selection of the items that were donated. …
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