All the children in Year 4 have settled back in well after the Christmas holidays and have been working hard! In Science, we started a new topic all about sound. We investigated how different instruments…
Read MoreCatholic Life and Mission
Epiphany of the Lord & Catholic Social Teaching
Welcome back! The children have been so excited to share their Christmas Holiday news with each other this week. In RE we enjoyed learning about the Epiphany of the Lord and we created some beautiful…
Read MoreKS1-It’s Time to spread the joy!
This term has been filled with lots of excitement and experiences. We have finally finished the autumn term with a brilliant Nativity. KS1 put on three performances of their Christmas play ‘The Inn Crowd’, which was…
Read MoreLiving out our Catholic Social Teaching
During Advent, we have reflected on how we can support the poor and vulnerable in our community. This fitted into our Catholic Social Teaching theme – Option for the Poor. We thought about how we…
Read MoreKey Stage 2 Advent Carol Service at the Church
Key Stage 2 pupils led a beautiful Advent carol service at Ss Alban & Stephen Church. As the figures from the Nativity were carried up to the stable scene at the front, the children read…
Read MoreOur New Squabble Squashers!
Congratulations to our new year 5 and 6 Squabble Squashers, who successfully completed a one-day Peer Mediation course led by the charity Mediation Hertfordshire. The Squabble Squashers spent the day learning about conflict resolution and…
Read MoreVisit to Westminster Cathedral
This week, our Pupil Chaplaincy Team and Prayer Leaders attended a special Advent carol service at Westminster Cathedral. During the service, we listened to Angel Gabriel who narrated the Christmas story. Each part of the…
Read MoreCatholic Social Teaching – Year 4
This half term, we have been learning about ‘Preferential Option for the Poor’ and what this means. We thought about how important it is to share what we have with others who are less fortunate. …
Read MorePrayer Garden Mosaic
A scruffy, disused courtyard in the centre of our Upper Site has been transformed into a peaceful prayer garden. Classes can hold their collective worship here and the Prayer Leaders have already prayed the Rosary…
Read MoreAlways Remember, Never Forget
On Friday, our Pupil Chaplaincy team led a reverent Remembrance Assembly for Key Stage 1. Our readings, prayer and a recitation of the poem ‘In Flanders Fields’ helped us all to understand why it is…
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