Wow! We have come to the end of another fantastic week and the children should be very proud of themselves. We began the week by introducing our new focus story, ‘Handa’s Surprise’. This story has inspired a week full of excellent hard work and beautiful imagination. At the beginning of the week, we discussed healthy vs unhealthy foods. The children made their own healthy plate, filled with their favourite healthy foods! Some children even tried to write a label to match their drawing.
To extend their learning and develop their fine motor skills, the children also had the opportunity to create their healthy plate using Play-Doh. The children rolled, squeezed, squished and chopped the different colours of Play-Doh until they made their perfect plate!
The children extended this learning EVEN further by then drawing and writing about their favourite fruit. We listened carefully to the descriptive words used throughout Handa’s Surprise and incorporated them into our own drinking. We copied the names of each fruit from a word map and then used own phonics to try and write descriptive words.
The children also became mathematicians this week by learning all about collecting data. We learnt about tally charts and pictograms. The children got into small groups and went around the class collecting data for themselves. The children made a tally chart recording the classes favourite fruits.
Meanwhile, in Phonics we are quickly speeding through our Phase 3 sounds and have focused this week on ‘ar’, ‘or’ and ‘ur’. To recap our previous learning of the sound ‘oo’, the children cellotaped two toilet rolls together and painted some words containing the digraph. We also used our cutting skills to cut out pictures that have the sound ‘ur’ and some children stretched themselves by writing a label.
Lastly, on Friday morning the children attended a fantastic assembly by the children in Year 2. During the day, the children were lucky to go to a Book Fayre, where they got to explore and read some exciting new books. We all got to meet our lovely new librarian, Mrs Keaty, who told us the exciting news that soon we will all be travelling up to the upper site every week to borrow our own library books!