We have had a very busy two weeks in Year 1. We have fully delved into our new topic, which focuses all around Space.
In English, the children have been exploring the story, ‘Look Up’. Last week, we all thought carefully about the characters and the feelings they may be expressing throughout the story.
This week, we have been drawn our story to a close by writing a chronological report in the form of a newspaper report. The children all worked super hard and came up with excellent ideas to excite and inform the audience of the events that transpired in the story. Here are some examples:
In Art, we have continued to look at our focus artist, Lanchen Mihalic, who creates artwork based around space. Last week, the children used chalk and smudged it, in order to create the effect of a galaxy.
This week, the children have been getting messy with clay. We have been practising skills such as spreading, dabbing and pressing. We have used the clay to create our own moon.
Over the past two weeks in computing, the children have been preparing to create a rocket. They used ‘Notes’ on the iPads to create a list of materials they would need to make a junk modelling rocket. They also drew a design of what they want their rocket to look like.
This week, the children have looked back at their saved notes and designs, and then created their rocket using the iPads and Sketchpad. Here are some lovely examples:
In Science, we have been looking at our new topic ‘Common and wild plants’. The children can identify different parts of a plant and tree, comparing the similarities and differences.
Our topic this half term is ‘Race To Space’. In this topic, we have been exploring what we already know about space and the planets. Last week, we learnt the names of the different planets, along with some interesting facts. This week, we have been learning about all the animals that have been to space before us! Some children have enjoyed extending this into their child-initiated learning, by creating their own mixed media rocket artwork and writing about the planets and what they wonder.