Gaza/Israel Appeal
Well done to our Mini Vinnies for leading our fundraiser for The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. This was part of St Albans-wide campaign aimed at helping people who are suffering due to war in Gaza and Israel and in line with our Autumn 2 Catholic Social Teaching foc us, Care for the Poor and Vulnerable. We raised an amazing £190!
For every £1 we have raised:
- 73p is spent helping people in crisis. This includes emergency response, refugee support and our international work.
- 16p is spent generating funds and running our shops.
- 11p is spent on support costs – running our organisation.
Christmas Jumper Day
Advent also saw our annual Christmas Jumper Day return. Children were asked to donate to money to The Rennie Grove Hospice which raised £168.
This money will help local patients with cancer and other life-limiting conditions get the support they need to live well. From coping strategies for symptoms like fatigue, to palliative end-of-life care at home.
£10 could fund 20 minutes of specialist care.
£20 could pay for an end-of-life care box. This holds the equipment our nurses need to care for a patient at the end of life.
Thank you to the SSAS community for your amazing efforts and generosity!