The school governing body is made up of:
- staff representatives
- community governors, including parents
- other sponsors (in our case, the diocese appoint “foundation governors”)
School governor’s duties include:
- setting the strategic direction, policies and objectives
- approving the budget
- reviewing progress against the budget and objectives
- challenging and supporting senior staff
- playing a part in appointing staff
The governing body is accountable for:
- the use of public funds
- the quality of education provided
- the wider contribution to the community
The role of governor
Almost every year we need to recruit new school governors.
Governors must be over the age of 18 but no specialist qualifications are needed and people from many different backgrounds volunteer for the role. Enthusiasm, commitment and an interest in education are the most important qualities. You don’t need to have a family member attending the school to become a governor. Training and development is readily available, and is an important part of becoming an effective school governor.
Governors need to attend meetings of the governing body every half term and also join one of the three committees that look at specific issues. Most meetings are in the late afternoon or early evening. The time commitment varies, but is usually a few hours each month. The role is voluntary, but expenses can be covered (such as babysitting costs).
If you ever have a question for Governors, please email Alternatively you can contact us via the school on: 01727 866668.
Governors Fund
Ours is a Voluntary Aided school. This means that we have to fund 10% of the cost of any repairs or building improvements carried out at the school. Parents are invited to contribute. Such contributions are not compulsory. If you are able to contribute, you may do so via the following methods:
– online banking (bank details available from the school office)
– cash or cheque payable to SS Alban & Stephens Schools Governors handed into to the school office
Please ensure that any contribution is marked with your child’s name and for the attention of the governors to ensure we match the donation with the gift aid declaration (if applicable).
Gift Aid – If you are a UK taxpayer please also complete the gift aid form, we can claim back 25p for every £1 you contribute, at no extra cost to you. For example for an annual contribution of £60 we could reclaim £15 making a total contribution of £75 by just signing a form. Please make sure that the person paying the contribution is the one who signs the form.
Whatever donation you can make, large or small please be assured that it will be spent wisely and for the benefit of all the children.