It was a short week for us in the Early Years this week! We have started to learn the Hail Mary during our R.E. lessons and to think of ways to celebrate the month of Mary, Our Lady. This month is also the time when spring is at the height of its beauty and the Reception children have been planting seeds and thinking of the best conditions for them to grow. Also today, we were able to enjoy the beautiful Marian Assembly, led by our Year 1 friends and Fr. Andrew. It was a beautiful celebration, where we offered flowers as gifts to our Mother Mary and joined in with the singing tribute too.
The children planted tomatoes and sunflowers with Mrs O’Connor this week. They children also painted flowers and offered them as gifts to our Mother Mary and put them on the wonderful display in the main entrance. This week we have started to explore the story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. Some of the children made their own caterpillars during CIL and worked together to make some arts and crafts for our display.
In phonics the children have continued to practice and blend sounds. They have also very confidently sang their nursery rhyme of the week ‘I’m a Little Teapot’. In Maths, we have been practicing our shapes. Some children made their own rockets on the ground using chalk and using lollipop sticks in the creative area. The children are really looking forward to next week when the chicks arrive!! Have a lovely weekend everyone!