The children in Year 2 have all settled in really well and have been working hard.
In RE we have been listening to the Creation Story and we have been learning all about our wonderful world in Geography too. We have been looking at the world map and we are beginning to compare the British Isles, where we live, to India. We found out about an Indian artist called Sayed Haider Raza, who created some lovely geometrical pictures. We have started to create our own art work in the style of Raza.
In Maths this week we have been counting in twos, fives and tens. We have also been exploring counting in threes.
We have learning about what animals, including humans need to survive. We found out that all animals need food, water, air and shelter. We are now thinking about how we can keep healthy and have made posters about the different ways that we can keep fit.
We have enjoyed working with our learning partners to use ‘Sketchpad’ on the I Pads. We created labelled diagrams showing the different parts of a computer. We learned about the screen, monitor, mouse and keyboard.
We are looking forward to some more great learning next week!