After such an incredible transition week, all of the children in Year 1 are well and truly settled and ready to do some amazing work. Our timetable has stepped up a notch and the children have managed this superbly.
To start the week, we looked at positional language in Maths. For our focus activity, we had to use different positional language to describe where a dog was sitting. During CIL, lots of children had fun putting their ‘Mini Me’s’ in different places around the classroom. We had children behind pencil pots, next to teddy bears and under chairs!! Later in the week we learnt about ordinal language.
We have also been excited to read our first focus story of the year, ‘The Tiger Who Came To Tea’. The children have done an amazing job decorating and labelling their own tigers. Some children have enjoyed acting out the story in the role play areas. Next week, we will be making our own story maps, which we will act out as a class!
In RE, we have started our new topic, ‘Families’. We have been discussing how families show love and care. All of the children drew a picture of their own family and wrote some words to describe who is in their picture. We talked about how we are all God’s children and all belong to a family.
In Topic, we have started to explore our new topic, which is ‘Where I Live’. We went onto Google Classroom as a class and had a look around some recognisable places in St Albans. The children have been using their directional language and computer skills to navigate their way home from our school.
In computing, we had our first chance to use the school iPads, which the children had lots of fun getting used to. Some children created some beautiful illustrations, other children used the cameras to take photos and record slow motion videos. We learnt about how to close apps once we’re finished with them, as well as how to plug them in to make sure they stay charged.
On Thursday, the children had their first visit to the Library. We hope you enjoy the story they chose! Please remember to have your children’s books always in their school bag, so they can be accessed throughout the week.